Instruments for monitoring all organic components (TOC) and volatile organic substances (VOC) - mobi

Environment Management (EnviroManager) offers customers a wide range of mobile products

(TOC) and volatile organic substances (VOC).




FID Analyzer Model OVF-3000



Light weight, internal fuel storage, easy to operate

All critical components, including pumps, filters, detectors and major electronic components are manufactured in Europe

 Fully heated to 190 degrees

 Typical sensitivity 0.01 ppm CH4

 Display of 2/21 digits, display option that allows reading up to 3 ranges without changing settings

 Internal air pump

 An option for a 50 liter hybrid cartridge that will allow 50 hours of sampling without interference.

 Internal air supply for combustion (no external air cylinder required)

 Very low fuel consumption (less than 20 cc / min @ H2 100%)

 Replaceable filter on the front of the machine

 Test pressure regulator not in contact with sampled gas

 5 ranges to choose from


 Suitable for standards and methods


  (EN 12619, EN 13526 (EU

  (2BImSchV, 13. BImSchV and 17. BImSchV, (Germany

  (EPA Method 25A and Method 503 (USA




 Continuous monitoring of chimney gases (CEM) and other environmental applications.

 Effectiveness of the air and gas surver

 Chemical analysis and analysis of gases


Personnel safety


Catalytic converter and thermal ignition test

 Emissions of vehicles and engines

 Monitoring in the factory fence

 Control of adsorption and regeneration of carbon


 More info





FID Analyzer Model 3-800




 All critical components, including pumps, filters, detectors and major electronic components are manufactured in Europe

 Fully heated to 190 degrees

 Typical sensitivity 0.01 ppm CH4

 Display of 2/21 digits, display option that allows reading up to 3 ranges without changing settings

 Internal air pump

 An option for a 50 liter hybrid cartridge that will allow 50 hours of sampling without interference.

 Internal air supply for combustion (no external air cylinder required)

 Very low fuel consumption (less than 20 cc / min @ H2 100%)

 Replaceable filter on the front of the machine

 Test pressure regulator not in contact with sampled gas

 5 ranges to choose from


 Suitable for standards and methods


  EN 12619, EN 13526 (EU)

  2BImSchV, 13. BImSchV and 17. BImSchV, (Germany)

  EPA Method 25A and Method 503 (USA)



 Continuous monitoring of chimney gases (CEM) and other environmental applications.

 Effectiveness of the air and gas surver

 Chemical analysis and analysis of gases


 Personnel safety


 Catalytic converter and thermal ignition test

 Emissions of vehicles and engines

 Monitoring in the factory fence

 Control of adsorption and regeneration of carbon


 More info




 FID Analyzer Model 3-900




 All critical components, including pumps, filters, detectors and major electronic components are manufactured in Europe

 Fully heated to 190 degrees

 Typical sensitivity 0.01 ppm CH4Display of 2/21 digits, display option that allows reading up to 3 ranges without changing settings

 Internal air pump

 An option for a 50 liter hybrid cartridge that will allow 50 hours of sampling without interference.

 Internal air supply for combustion (no external air cylinder required)

 Very low fuel consumption (less than 20 cc / min @ H2 100%)

 Replaceable filter on the front of the machine

 Test pressure regulator not in contact with sampled gas

 5 ranges to choose from


 Suitable for standards and methods


  EN 12619, EN 13526 (EU)

  2BImSchV, 13. BImSchV and 17. BImSchV, (Germany)

  EPA Method 25A and Method 503 (USA)




 Continuous monitoring of chimney gases (CEM) and other environmental applications.

 Effectiveness of the air and gas surver

 Chemical analysis and analysis of gases


 Personnel safety


 Catalytic converter and thermal ignition test

 Emissions of vehicles and engines

 Monitoring in the factory fence

 Control of adsorption and regeneration of carbon


 More info



For additional products and to tailor the product to your requirements, please contact us